Library Resources

harvard divinity school

Harvard Divinity School Library can help you both in person and remotely in multiple ways.

Course Readings in Canvas

We make course readings available electronically where copyright limitations allow. If you are teaching or learning remotely, please contact as early as possible so we can work together to meet your needs.

Print collections

Both access to print collections and Scan & Deliver services are available. You may also use HOLLIS to “request pick-up” of books at the Harvard library of your choice.

For remote research help, contact

Research Services staff can help you use the online databases most effectively, find digital versions of print materials you need for research or coursework, schedule demonstrations of subject-specific library resources for classes or sections, use Zotero citation manager and other popular bibliographical tools, get answers to copyright questions, take advantage of open-access opportunities, and much more.

For special collections, contact If you are unable to visit the library in person, staff can consult physical items on your behalf, fulfill requests for scans, and help you teach remotely with special collections.

To chat online or schedule a virtual research appointment, go to